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<span style="font-family: inherit;">Skrypt pozwalający na odblokowanie konta użytkownika podanego jako parametr oraz zmiana hasła dla zadanego konta. </span> |
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<span style="font-family: Consolas, Lucida Console, monospace; font-size: 12px; line-height: 14px;"> </span> <blockquote><span style="font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace;"><span style="line-height: 14px;">Option Explicit Dim objUser, objDomain, lngBias, objLockout, dtmLockout Dim objDuration, lngDuration, lngHigh, lngLow, dtmUnLock Dim strUserDN, strDNSDomain, strNetBIOSDomain, strUserNTName Dim objTrans, objShell, lngBiasKey, k, objRootDSE Dim strText, strTitle, intConstants, intAns, objNetwork ' Constants for the NameTranslate object. Const ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC = 3 Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4 = 3 Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 = 1 strTitle = "UnlockUser" Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ' Request user sAMAccountName. strUserNTName = Trim(InputBox("Enter User NT Logon Name", strTitle)) If strUserNTName = "" Then strText = "Program Aborted" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) WScript.Quit End If ' Retrieve DNS domain name. Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") strDNSDomain = objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") ' Convert DNS domain name to NetBIOS domain name. Set objTrans = CreateObject("NameTranslate") objTrans.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC, "" objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779, strDNSDomain strNetBIOSDomain = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4) ' Remove trailing backslash. strNetBIOSDomain = Left(strNetBIOSDomain, Len(strNetBIOSDomain) - 1) Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") If UCase(Trim(strUserNTName)) = UCase(Trim(objNetwork.UserName)) And UCase(strNetBIOSDomain) = UCase(objNetwork.UserDomain) Then strText = "You cannot unlock or change the password for your own account." intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) WScript.Quit End If ' Convert user NT name to Distinguished Name. On Error Resume Next objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4, strNetBIOSDomain & "" & strUserNTName If Err.Number <> 0 Then On Error GoTo 0 strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " not found" strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Program aborted" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbCritical intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) WScript.Quit End If On Error GoTo 0 strUserDN = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779) ' Escape any forward slash characters, "/", with the backslash ' escape character. All other characters that should be escaped are. strUserDN = Replace(strUserDN, "/", "/") ' Bind to user object. On Error Resume Next Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN) If Err.Number <> 0 Then On Error GoTo 0 strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " not found" strText = strText & vbCrLf & "DN: " & strUserDN strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Program aborted" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbCritical intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) WScript.Quit End If On Error GoTo 0 ' Bind to domain. Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDNSDomain) ' Obtain local Time Zone bias from machine registry. lngBiasKey = objShell.RegRead("HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlTimeZoneInformationActiveTimeBias") If UCase(TypeName(lngBiasKey)) = "LONG" Then lngBias = lngBiasKey ElseIf UCase(TypeName(lngBiasKey)) = "VARIANT()" Then lngBias = 0 For k = 0 To UBound(lngBiasKey) lngBias = lngBias + (lngBiasKey(k) * 256^k) Next End If ' Retrieve user lockoutTime, Convert to date and display lockout status. On Error Resume Next Set objLockout = objUser.lockoutTime If Err.Number <> 0 Then On Error GoTo 0 strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " is not locked out." strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Would you like to reset the password?" intConstants = vbYesNo + vbQuestion intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) If intAns = vbYes Then Call ChangePassword(objUser) WScript.Quit End If On Error GoTo 0 dtmLockout = Integer8Date(objLockout, lngBias) If dtmLockout = #1/1/1601# Then strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " is not locked out." strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Would you like to reset the password?" intConstants = vbYesNo + vbQuestion intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) If intAns = vbYes Then Call ChangePassword(objUser) WScript.Quit End If strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " locked out at: " & dtmLockout ' Retrieve domain lockoutDuration policy. Set objDuration = objDomain.lockoutDuration lngHigh = objDuration.HighPart lngLow = objDuration.LowPart If (lngHigh = 0 And lngLow = 0) Then ' There is no domain lockout duration policy. ' Locked out accounts remain locked out Until reset. ' Any user With value of lockoutTime greater than 0 is locked out. lngDuration = -999 strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Domain locked accounts do not automatically unlock." Else If (lngLow < 0) Then lngHigh = lngHigh + 1 End If lngDuration = lngHigh * (2^32) + lngLow lngDuration = -lngDuration/(60 * 10000000) strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Domain lockout duration (minutes): " & lngDuration End If ' Determine if account still locked out and ask user how to proceed. Dim intUnlockAns intUnlockAns = vbNo If lngDuration = -999 Then strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Account is locked indefinately." strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Click ""Yes"" to unlock account now" strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Click ""No"" to leave account locked" intConstants = vbYesNo + vbExclamation intUnlockAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) Else dtmUnLock = DateAdd("n", lngDuration, dtmLockout) If Now > dtmUnLock Then strText = strText & vbCrLf & "The account was unlocked at: " & dtmUnLock strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Would you like to reset the password?" intConstants = vbYesNo + vbQuestion intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) If intAns = vbYes Then Call ChangePassword(objUser) WScript.Quit Else strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Account will unlock at: " & dtmUnLock strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Click ""Yes"" to unlock account now" strText = strText & vbCrLf & "Click ""No"" to leave account locked" intConstants = vbYesNo + vbExclamation intUnlockAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) End If End If If intUnlockAns = vbYes Then On Error Resume Next objUser.IsAccountLocked = False objUser.SetInfo If Err.Number <> 0 Then On Error GoTo 0 strText = "Unable to unlock user " & strUserNTName strText = "You may not have sufficient rights" strText = "Program aborted" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbCritical intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) Else On Error GoTo 0 strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " unlocked" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) End If ElseIf intAns = vbNo Then strText = "User " & strUserNTName & " account left locked out" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbInformation intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) Else strText = "Program aborted" strText = strText & vbCrLf & "User " & strUserNTName & " still locked out" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) End If ' Clean up. Set objUser = Nothing Set objDomain = Nothing Set objLockout = Nothing Set objDuration = Nothing Set objTrans = Nothing Set objShell = Nothing Function Integer8Date(objDate, lngBias) ' Function to convert Integer8 (64-bit) value to a date, adjusted for ' local time zone bias. Dim lngAdjust, lngDate, lngHigh, lngLow lngAdjust = lngBias lngHigh = objDate.HighPart lngLow = objdate.LowPart ' Account for bug in IADslargeInteger property methods. If lngLow < 0 Then lngHigh = lngHigh + 1 End If If (lngHigh = 0) And (lngLow = 0) Then lngAdjust = 0 End If lngDate = #1/1/1601# + (((lngHigh * (2 ^ 32)) + lngLow) / 600000000 - lngAdjust) / 1440 Integer8Date = CDate(lngDate) End Function Sub ChangePassword(objUser) Dim strPassword, intPwdValue, strText strPassword = RandomPassword(8) intPwdValue = 0 ' Force a change of password at next logon strText = "The user will be required to change their password when they logon." strPassword = InputBox(strText,"The new password is:",strPassword) If strPassword <> "" Then objUser.SetPassword strPassword objUser.Put "PwdLastSet", intPwdValue objUser.SetInfo Else strText = "Password not changed" intConstants = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation intAns = objShell.Popup(strText, , strTitle, intConstants) End If End Sub Function RandomPassword(intCharacters) Dim intASCIIValue, i, intLowerLimit, intUpperLimit Randomize intLowerLimit = 48 intUpperLimit = 122 For i = 1 To intCharacters intASCIIValue = Int(((intUpperLimit - intLowerLimit + 1) * Rnd) + intLowerLimit) RandomPassword = RandomPassword & Chr(intASCIIValue) Next End Function</span></span></blockquote> |
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